논문투고Presentation Paper论文投稿 > 영문논문/英文论文
Instruction for Authors |
글쓴이 : 최고관리자
날짜 : 19-01-15 11:20
조회 : 20570
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Instruction for Authors
Ⅰ. Aims and Scope
International Journal of Ondol and Vernacular Architecture, the English journal published by the International Society of Ondol is established to distribute information of significant researches, theoretical works, technical and methodological applications, case studies, short communications and surveys and reviews concerned with the traditional or modern Ondol or floor heating system and architecture in general related to regional tradition, history, culture, and technology.
International Journal of Ondol and Verancular Architecture or IJOVA covers the following: History, Design & Culture, Structures & Energy of Ondol heating system, and Studies of regional vernacular architecture in general including History, Culture, Design, Engineering & Technology, and related areas. We accept research results for publication which are science based or technology based. Since we are interested in applied research and for the importance of experimental and practical research in this area, we encourage related papers to be submitted for publication in IJOVA.
IJO welcomes manuscripts presenting information not previously published in journals on any aspect of architectural research, development, design, planning, technology, policy, etc. Submitted manuscripts may take the form of reports of original studies or reviews of significant prior work in a given area. All manuscripts are subject to review to assure accuracy, clarity, and long-term value.
Ⅱ. Instruction for Authors
1. Preparation of Manuscripts
Manuscripts should meet the format defined by “Instruction for Authors.”
Paper manuscripts should be written and arranged in a style that is succinct and easily followed. An informative but short title, a concise abstract with keywords, and a well-written introduction will help to achieve this. Simple language, short sentences and a good use of headings all help to communicate the information more effectively. Discursive treatment of the subject matter is discouraged. Figures should be used to aid the clarity of the paper.
An acceptable manuscript must be based on a thorough knowledge. Only texts in English language can be accepted. Authors are advised to have their manuscripts edited by someone skilled in English prior to submission. The reader should be carefully guided through the paper.
2. Eligibility of Authors
In principles, all of authors should be the regular members of International Society of Ondol.
3. Submission of Manuscripts
Submission of manuscripts should be filed to the office by homepage with WORD and PDF files. The chief editor selects appropriate reviewers and send the files to them.
4. Manuscript return
The copies submitted will not be returned to the author after processing.
5. Treatise requisition expense
The reviewing fee of treatise is 80,000 KRW and 140,000 KRW for publication. The recommended number of pages is 6 to 8 and cannot exceed 14 pages. If the treatise exceeds 8 pages, there is additional 50,000 KRW for each 2 pages. However, until the completion of the online submission and review system, the examination and publication fees shall be temporarily waived.
6. Date of issue
IJOVA is published biannually on June 30, and December 31.
7. Others
Other rules unexplained here are accepted according to general instructions.
Ⅲ. Manuscript Format Guidelines
1. Type Area and Layout : The manuscript should be printed on A4-size(210 x 297mm) paper. Leave 25-mm margins on top and bottom, and 16mm margins on left and right. Print the text in two columns, each measuring 82 mm across, with a blank space 6 mm wide in between. Insert and lay out figures, tables, and their captions in the text.
2. Typescript : The manuscript must be typed in English, using Times New Roman of 10 point font size. Handwritten manuscripts will be rejected. Treatise must make out in Microsoft word.
3. Length : Expedited paper manuscript must not exceed 14 pages, including spaces, figures, tables, and references.
4. Title page : The first page of the manuscript must contain the paper title, author full name(s), position(s), affiliate(s), email address(s), and main or corresponding author name,.
5. Abstract and keywords : An abstract and keywords should be included on the title page. The abstract must not exceed 500 words and must precis the paper giving clear conclusions. Keywords of up to five words must be carefully selected to facilitate readers’ search.
6. Major Sections and Headings : The paper should involve the following major sections:
o 1) Introduction: Describe the motivation or purpose of the research.
o 2) Methods: Provide sufficient information to allow readers to repeat the work.
o 3) Text: Text composes by 2 bundles, and a table or picture can compose by 1 bundle. Chapter topic and text at intervals 1 line, and berry chapter relation at intervals 2 line.
o 4) Conclusions: State conclusions concisely and without interpretation.
o 5) Acknowledgements: Recognize any advisory or financial help received.
7. Reference : References in the text should be quoted in the following manner: Smith(1975) or (Brown and Green, 1976) or if there are more than two authors, one and al. (1980). References should be listed at the end of the paper in alphabetical order by the first author’s surname. If references to the same author have the same year, they should be differentiated by using 1980a and 1980b etc. The style should follow the example below:
Park, I. and Yashiro, T. (2001) Elicitation of subjective probabilities for risk analysis. Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering, 1 (1), 77-82.
8. Endnotes : A limited number of explanatory endnotes are permissible. These should be numbered as 1, 2, 3, consecutively in the text and denote by superscripts. Endnotes should be listed at the end of the paper with numbers linked to those in the text.
9. Mathematics : Number the equations consecutively, e.g., (1), (2) and (3). Make sure that subscripts and superscripts are legible.
10. Measurement : International System of Units (SI) should be used; if other units are used, SI equivalents should be given in parentheses.
11. Tables : Insert tables in the text and arrange them across one (82 mm) or two (170 mm) columns of the page. Number the tables consecutively with Arabic numerals, e.g., Table 1. and Table 2. Make sure the typeface in the tables is still legible after reducing the table to the final size. Table title is situated in semantic representation top portion middle, and picture title marks by both order on lower column of picture.
12. Figures (line art and photographs) : Insert figures in the text and arrange them across one (82 mm) or two (170 mm) columns of the page. Number the figures consecutively with Arabic numerals, e.g., Figure 1. and Figure 2. Make sure the typeface in the figure is still legible after reducing the figure to the final size.
13. Color : Color printing is permitted at the expense of the authors.
Color transparencies are usually discouraged because dyes in transparencies differ from those used in creating a print or proof.
Ⅳ. Organization of Editorial Board
1. The editor in chief is entitled to establish editorial boards.
2. The term of members of editorial board is two years.
Ⅴ. Review process
1. This guideline aims to judge the publication of submitted papers. The paper should show originality, completeness, academic achievement, and reliability.
2. Review
1) Chief editor with editorial board select three reviewers to review the paper.
2) When two of reviewers decide ‘accepted (accepted after revision included)’ the acceptance of the paper is noticed to the authors. One of three reviewers decides to decline the paper, the result with comments of the reviewer is reported to two other reviewers who have accepted.
3) The reviewer of the paper in re-review after revision should response in 15 days after sending the revised paper. Otherwise, the chief editor decides the acceptance of paper.
4) When two of reviewers decline the paper, it is rejected.
3. Judgement
Types of judgement include accepted(without any change), accepted after revision, re-review after revision and declined.
4. Explanation for reject
Reviewer has to describe detailed reasons for decline.
5. Reviewers
All of Reviewers have to respond to papers in 15 days.
Table. Fonts and Sizes for Manuscripts
font format note
Font Font Width Cerning Size/pt Left Margin Right Margin Line Spacing Align
Intro title Times New Roman 100% Normal 16 0 0 1.0 Center
subtitle Times New Roman 100% Normal 12 0 0 1.0 Center
name Times New Roman 100% Normal 11 0 0 1.0 Center
affiliation Times New Roman 100% Normal 8 0 0 1.0 Center
Title for Abstract Arial 100% Normal 10 0 0 1.0 Center
Abstract Arial 100% Normal 8 0 0 1.0 Both
Keywords Times New Roman 100% Normal 8 0 0 1.0 Both
Article Chapter Times New Roman (capital) 100% Normal 10 0 0 Fixed 12pt Both
text Times New Roman 100% Normal 10 0 0 Fixed 12pt Both indent 1 word
figure & table Captions Times New Roman 100% Normal 8 0 0 1.0 Center
Reference Title Times New Roman (capital) 100% Normal 10 0 0 Fixed 12pt Center
reference Times New Roman 100% Normal 10 0 0 Fixed 12pt Both indent -1 word
Equation Times New Roman 100% Normal 10 0 0 12pt Both
endnotes Times New Roman 100% Normal 9 0 0 1 Both